Giving Tuesday image

Giving Tuesday

This Giving Tuesday, a generous supporter is matching all donations up to $10,000. Please donate today!


Your gift will help to provide our neighbors with food and hope…because there can be enough for everyone.

This year we have experienced inflation, skyrocketing food prices, and food shortages. One example, the price of a 20lb bag of broccoli went from $44 to $70 in one week!

We have battled against our empty shelves with the help of our community so that we can continue to offer healthy food and vital resources to our neighbors.

With you backing us up, we can be there for everyone who comes into our doors.

Please make a gift today! Your gift will do so much:
• You help us deliver food to those who can’t leave their homes,
• You help ensure children have enough food for the weekend,
• You help keep thousands of families fed and housed.

We are so grateful for your support!

“They have enough veggies for my diet… they’re open late-ish, plus they have free cafe service for those of us suffering cut hours and low wages. They take care of you.” – Alex, food bank client.

It has never been more important to be a community of neighbors helping neighbors. A Ballard Food Bank supporter is helping your gift go twice as far with a $10,000 match!! Please give today.